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Quarterly Performance Monitoring Report PDF
The information below is intended to take the guesswork out of building a well-diversified portfolio designed to assist in the accomplishment of your retirement goals. To view a list of all of the investment options available in your plan including fees, risks, and historical returns, please login to your account. For advice on selecting a portfolio, please contact IFC. We are happy to help.

Which Strategy Best Matches Your Needs?

IFC Target Date and Risk Based Portfolios

IFC offers a series of Catholic Values Target Date Portfolios, as well as 3 Catholic Values Risk-Based Portfolios, in addition to the underlying individual mutual fund investment options.

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Vanguard Retirement Funds

Vanguard's target retirement funds invest in other Vanguard mutual funds and gradually, automatically, shift their allocations from a more aggressive growth strategy with stocks to more a conservative strategy heavier on bonds as the target date nears. Some of the advantages of these funds include: less risk through broad diversification, a professionally managed asset mix, automatic rebalancing and low fees.

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